Every company operates in some form of process organisation and improvement. The aim of our Lean & Green approach is to find points of contact to integrate sustainability topics into these processes and to align them with principles of excellence. That’s how we can avoid "reinventing the wheel" while still developing sustainability.
In terms of excellence, for us, a simple “copy paste” is a no-go. Every company has its own history, is regionally shaped and is made up of different personalities. Therefore, we always work together with companies where green integration makes sense and where further development based on the current processes and management routines is advisable.
Green integration in excellence systems makes it possible to quickly set up effective strategies that are deeply anchored in the operational processes and ensure broad acceptance among the workforces. In this way, sustainability is operationalised, and, at the same time, value creation is optimised cost-efficiently. However, lean transformation in companies also benefits from green integration. The increasingly important topic of sustainability brings new motivation as well as a willingness to change and invest. If it is possible to design lean as an enabler and accelerator of the green transformation, then the approach can also give the topic of lean a "breath of fresh air".
A more efficient process is usually also more resource efficient - and less use of resources is almost synonymous with lower costs. Effective sustainability management also means that future costs can be anticipated and avoided at an early stage. Rising energy prices, risks in the supply chain or so-called "carbon costs" are issues that have a direct impact on earnings and will drastically increase in importance. Reputation, employer attractiveness and brand values are also critical points for corporate success.
We have developed a procedure through which we test subject areas in a structured manner that are central to functional excellence systems and are also well suited for green integration:
The key to successful green integration is to gain transparency about the levers in processes. Therefore, we link end-to-end analysis of core processes with an evaluation of eco-efficiency. Content: process mapping, recording/measurement of energy and material flows, evaluation of data availability, automated CO2 footprints.
A core element of many excellence systems is a process for prioritising and focusing activities. Here, too, it is crucial to integrate Green topics so that they are not placed as an additional burden on the organisation. Content: assistance with the definition of sustainability strategy and reporting form, analysis of existing processes for strategy derivation, integration of sustainability goals in the strategy process.
If the control levers in the processes are transparent and priorities and goals are set, it is important to ensure progress through regular target/actual comparisons. A connection to existing control loops (e.g. shop floor management) is essential for a deeper anchoring of Green. Content: SMART integration of green indicators (cross-divisional and influenceable).
If there is a deviation from the target or if an improvement to a new standard level is desired, a variety of methods are required to identify causes and approaches for optimisation. Here, the "lean method kit" offers many starting points, on which we analyse in detail which methods already used in the company can also be transferred to green topics or are additionally suitable. Content: creation of a Lean & Green method set.
Continuous learning and thinking outside the box is not only central for our customers, but also as consultants for the continuous further development of processes and services. That's why we always try to promote a lively exchange with and between companies. This includes best practice visits between our customers, but also our Lean & Green Management Award. We also offer an extensive range of training courses on both lean and green topics.